Have you ever been to one of our (adult) Halloween parties? If not, you have missed. out. My husband goes all out. The house is completely redecorated** in the two days prior that he usually takes off from work to get ready. Furniture is moved out of the living room; a haunted house of sorts is set up in the garage - a somewhat legendary one that has brought people back to our house for trick-or-treating over the last few years. The island is filled with whatever assortment of adult beverages we have on hand. A fire pit is set up outside for the less dancy ones. And dance lights are set up in the living room. Oh, and we mustn't forget the disco ball.
Anyhoo. Because we had a wee little one, and also partially because last year (2009) we had people who couldn't take the hint to get out of our house at 3am, we did not have our adult party. But Tim has been hinting at making additional use of our dance lights for a while and tonight we broke them out for a DANCE PARTY (woo hoo!). Ainsley l.o.v.e.s. to dance so we used this to bribe her through dinner.
Were I a more skilled photographer, I probably could have gotten some better photos but these will have to do for now...enjoy!
**This redecorating really throws me for a loop because I don't handle change well.
So cute! I love the ones with y'all dancing with her. And I heart her outfit.
Thank you so much for these!!! Hug my granddaughters for me. The second picture of Ainsley...I believe I have a picture somewhere of me that she looks exactly like right there. Lucy...first one she looks like her mom did at that age and the second...she looks like her dad. XXOO
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