17 April 2007

Okay! Okay!

I chose a ticker. Almost unanimously the creepier of the two, but I felt it the most fascinating and appropriate. So, there ya go!

And I updated my blogroll. Check out the new sites, but be aware that one of the main functions of that list is accessibility for me. I can just click on all of them from my homepage. I find the majority of them quite entertaining, but the jury's still out on some of them. And at least one is not for the weak of heart. Caveat Clicker.


Jen said...

Nice to see I made the cut on your blogroll. I've added you to my Google Reader, btw, so I see all your updates!

I will say, that ticker is creepy, but then, I tend to think all pregnancy tickers are sort of creepily annoying.

angelq said...

Yes, jen, you've been there for a while as I'm sure you've noticed from your tracker. Which, incidentally, I stole. You are one of my blog heroes.

cjm said...

Ok, creepy ticker it is. And like I need more blogs to read...but that's how I usually end up finding new ones. I surf the old ones. This is a sickness.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

I like it. I don't think it's creepy. :-)

Natalie said...

I have to be the badass one (link that is!) You've been in my bloglines for awhile now..:*) (just thought I'd let ya know!).

The ticker is kinda creepy but also really fascinating....seriously....but then again I'm kinda baby-challenged when it comes to knowing what is supposed to be happening. Not for long, I hope!

Jen said...

Blog hero?! Wow, I'm not sure I can live up to such a reputation, but I will try my best!

Katie Lady said...

I like it, too. I am fascinated by the 'baking' of a baby. It truly is amazing.