Of course, the practical side of us recognizes that knowing the gender will help us plan a little better. But really, we’ve already decided on decorating scheme and colors. I’ve decided that a baby girl is not going to lose gender identity because she was raised in a blue and green room. So, in actuality the argument comes down to clothing. There are so many cute gender specific clothings out there and the gender neutral clothings are quite limited. Really, though, I think the point is mainly to help others figure out if the baby is a boy or a girl without having to ask. And it will be necessary since, in all likelihood, our baby is going to be bald for at least the first year of his/her life.
But, on the other hand, how cool will it be for my husband to be able to hand me our baby for the first time and say, “I’d like to introduce you to your baby boy/girl
sigh So once again, I’ve over-thought this and can’t make up my mind. What are your thoughts for/against finding out?
Fun Stuff There are a ton of “predictors” out there in case you can’t wait for the doctor to tell you:
I really liked knowing - it helped me to prepare. Everything is so gender specific these days, it sure helps to know who you are shopping for! If you want to keep secrets, don't tell anyone the name you have chosen until he/she arrives...
Yes, almost everyone I know who has had a baby in the last few years has found out the gender. Like Bubba's Sis said, some keep the name a secret. That also keeps people from knockin' it. They are less likely to do that when it belongs to an actual baby they can see. I'm up in the air about finding out, too (not that my decision is as pressing as yours). Pros and cons, pros and cons.... I'm of no help.
Find out. It's fun to plan. I likely would have gone with blue and green, too, or green and purple (I have a thing with green), so that didn't really matter, but the clothes thing is very hard to do. You are stuck with yellow or green, and let me tell you, there isn't much green.
Also, don't tell people you aren't telling the name, just tell them you haven't nailed it down yet. That way you just keep it to yourself.
Besides, it will be a surprise when you find out, regardless of whether it's at an u/s or at birth.
So, have you had it? Did you find out? Huh? Huh? I'm about to burst, I want to know!
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