09 August 2006

I AM passing this on...

Really just some general notes:
  • My husband has now been enveloped by the void that is blogging(albeit reluctantly): radiotim.
  • I bet most of you have seen this but, to all my women readers, this is important for you to know.
  • And this one is for cjh. I don't think you can beat this for instructions on being grammatically correct.
  • If you ever have a doubt as to the validity of one of those chain emails I have mentioned before, please check it on www.snopes.com before forwarding it to others.


cjm said...

I think it's funny how MW said "irregardless" was a word but just an unpopular one... I've never thought of words as unpopular before. How embarassing for it...

angelq said...

I love that it *tells* you to use "regardless" instead!

cjm said...

I like that, too! Now if I could just forward that to my high school computer science teacher...

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Wow - it even has a bad reputation and is generally unacceptable. I wonder if it has a complex?