03 October 2008

On Being Dissatisfied

I've been in an offsite meeting all morning, and within ten minutes of getting here this morning, I am again on the verge of tears. I have never, in my eight years of this career, had so many people demanding things from me at once and every one of them prclaiming them to be urgent. I have one project where every email and phone call I get has one of those little red exclamation points next to the title. And I'm getting an average of five emails from them a day.

I currently feel like I'm wallowing in a pit of despair with no way out. And am completely overwhelmed by the helplessness I feel when I think about all there is to do. I'm tired of taking work home with me every night and neglecting my other responsibilities to get more work done. I'm supposed to take one of the hardest tests of my life in three weeks and I have yet to even start studying because my evenings are filled with work. And I'm still terribly behind.

So I'm looking for some way to make it better. But there aren't many options - or, rather, there aren't many simple options. To make it better, I'm afraid I will have to do something else. And that either means a relatively small difference or a rather large difference that requires some personal objections. I've come to the realization that I may have to make peace with the fact that I can no longer continue to do what I enjoy doing.

More later...


cjm said...

Ugh. I'm sorry. To some degree I understand--the overworked part. The part where you're thinking of jumping ship. The no way out part. I think I'm just trying to ignore it (that works, right?). I wish you luck with your decisions and I'm here if you need to talk.

StaceyG said...

I guess times like these really make us take a look at what's really important to us. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Most people are asked a lot of because they are valued as an employee... either that or they know they can take advantage of you. If it's the first, it is technically a positive thing, but the problem can't be solved until you say 'no'. If it's the second then there is a possibility that it may correct itself after you say 'no'. It's a wonderful word. Of course there are two outcomes from the word. They can tell you to pack your shit, our they'll back up off your 'shit', yo. You dig? Take my $.02 for what it's worth... I am your 'little' brother.