24 July 2008

Ten on Thursday....yeah, that's right: THURSDAY!

So this is a couple of days late, but I suddenly wanted to participate:

10 Least Favorite Celebrities

1. John Lovitz - Creepy and annoying!
2. Juliette Lewis - Again, creepy. And she always plays the same characters, which doesn't say much for hers.
3. VINCE VAUGHN - Really. How many jackasses can you play and still be a fan favorite. Least favorite role of his: Made.
4. Andy Dick - Did you know he's (abnoxiously) gay? He certainly won't let you forget it.
5. Christian from Project Runway - I really hate that the salutatorian at my brother's HS graduation used "fierce" in her speech to describe the valedictorian.
6. Brendan Fraser - I know he plays cutsie roles, and he's probably a nice guy, but WHY do they keep giving him movie scripts. (And how long do you think "The Mummy" writers salivated over using the predictable, "I hate snakes mummies!" in their film?)
7. Tom Cruise - I don't like that his crazy is everywhere.
8. Mel Gibson - What really rubs me is he's a good actor and has done some phenomenal movies. But again, his crazy is leaking all over the place.
9. Keanu Reeves - Yep, terrible actor.
10. The trifecta known as Matthew McConaughey, Lance Armstrong and Jake Gyllenhaal - MM is an ass, LA is a wife-leaving ass, and JG (even though I have a lot of respect for some of his work) is a dumb-ass.

Oh, yeah, you know that's a good list, Baby!


cjm said...

Totally agree with #2! How could I forget her?! Mel Gibson has been disappointing me lately as well. But I must say I still like Jake Gyllenhaal.

It is a very good list. :o)

StaceyG said...

I agree with all but Brendan. He's my boyfriend. =)